Anushka Shetty, who was last seen in woman centric movie Bhaagamathie, is all set to return to the big screens with a thriller film. She has been roped in an upcoming movie ‘Silence’ in which Kollywood actor R Madhavan will play the lead role. Touted to be a thriller drama, which will be entirely shot in US, will be the first Telugu crossover featuring Hollywood actors. The sources say that the movie will have Hollywood shades and the makers have brought Hollywood actors on the board to play the important roles.
Anushka Shetty had recently undergone naturopathy treatment in Austria, and very soon she will commence the shoot of her movie. It is a bilingual drama, which will be helmed by Hemanth Madhukar, who had directed Vastadu Naa Raju in Telugu. Hemant previously helmed Bollywood movie Flat in which Sanjay Suri and Jimmy Sheirgill played the lead role. Hemant’s idea has been developed into a story by Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan.
Recently during the media interaction, Kona Venkat revealed they worked on the script for almost two years. According to Kona venakt, Silence will be extensively shot in the US and will also feature some well-known Hollywood actors. Presently, the Hollywood actors who are being considered for crucial roles are in final negotiations with the makers.
A Source from film unit reveal that the shoot will be started from January 2019 and currently Anushka Shetty is preparing for her part.
Madhavan was recently seen in Naga Chaitanya and Nidhhi Agerwal starrer action thriller drama Savyasachi, which is turning out commercially flop at the box office.
Earlier Anushka Shetty and Madhavan have worked together for a movie Rendu. Directed by Sundar C, the movie, which released in 2006, received a lukewarm response from the critics and audience alike. This is the second, they teamed up for an upcoming film Silence.
from topstories – Tollywood
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