Nandamuri Balakrishna is currently busy in his upcoming dream project NTR biopic, which is being directed by National Award winning director Krish. Recently the makers of NTR biopic organized the audio launch event which was attended by number of celebrities like Mohan Babu, Superstar Krishna etc. But Tollywood Megastar Chiranjeevi was not spotted there. It is known news that Chiranjeevi is popular for attending audio launch, pre release events of the movies. Though the families of Nandamuri, Superstar Krishna and Krishnamraju made their presence at the trailer launch event of NTR biopic but none of the actor from Mega family was spotted there. Is Chiranjeevi insulted Nandamuri Balakrishna? It is heard that though Balakrishna personally called Megastar Chiranjeevi but he said no to him. Because he is busy in the shoot of upcoming big budget movie Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy.
Chiranjeevi, who was not in city Hyderabad, could not attend the audio and trailer launch event of NTR biopic.
It is known news that few days ago, Naga Babu, the brother of Megastar Chiranjeevi has also made sensational comments on Balayya Babu. In an interview to a channel, Naga Babu remarked that he doesn’t know who Balayya is. This comment irked Balakrishna’s fans, and they took to social media to troll the actor. Later Naga Babu issued a video statement, in which he took another jibe at Balakrishna. In the video, Naga Babu said, “I am so sorry that I had made such comments about Balayya garu. I realised my mistake. Who doesn’t know Balayya? He was a very good comedian and always makes everyone laugh with his comic timing.”
On the work side, after wrapping up the shoot of Ram Charan’s production venture Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy, Chiranjeevi will join the sets of Koratala Siva’s upcoming directorial venture. The makers are planning to rope Nayantara to play the female lead role.
from NEWS – Tollywood
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