Mahesh Babu who watched the trailer of NTR biopic, has shared his review on Twitter. Mahesh Babu wrote, “First glimpses of #NTRKathanayukudu look stunningly true to life… Goosebumps all through! Transition of Balakrishna garu as NT Rama Rao garu is effortless & incredible.” Mahesh Babu again wrote, “Everything & everybody looks extraordinary in the trailer. Loved it! Best wishes to the entire cast & team of NTR Biopic! Looking forward to watching the film! #NTRBiopic.”
It is known news that Superstar Krishna attended the audio and trailer launch event of NTR biopic and wished the team for the success of the movie. Few days ago, a pic of Superstar Krishna with Nandamuri Balakrishna went viral on the social media and grabbed the attention of many. The sources say that Balayya Babu personally invited Mahesh Babu’s father Krishna to attend the event.
Popular character artist Naresh took to Twitter and shared the same pic on Twitter, “Nandamuri balakrishna had come home to invite superstar krishnagaru and family for the launch of the audio of ntr bio pic. He was mentioning the wonderful scenes we both had performed and our long friendship (1/2) #NTRBiopic.” “Super star was impressed with the various getups of NBK and said that the film will be a memorable mile stone in the Telugu film history and wished him the best . Wishing the best for NBK and #NTRBiopic (2/2)”
Earlier it was heard that Mahesh Babu will play the role of his father Superstar Krishna in NTR Biopic, in which Nandamuri Balakrishna is playing the titular role and will be seen playing his father Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, which is being directed by Krish.
On the work-side, Mahesh Babu was last seen in Koratala Siva’s political drama Bharat Ane Nenu, which was decent hit at the box office. Currently Mahesh Babu is sharing the screen space with Pooja Hegde in Maharshi.
Everything & everybody looks extraordinary in the trailer. Loved it! Best wishes to the entire cast & team of NTR Biopic! Looking forward to watching the film! #NTRBiopic
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) December 22, 2018
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