Ram Gopal Varma aka RGV is currently busy in the promotional activities of his upcoming directorial venture Lakshmi’s NTR. Yesterday on the occasion of Valentine day, Ram Gopal Varma released lakshmi’s NTR trailer. The trailer is getting massive response from the people.
Lakshmi Parvathi, whose character is the main highlight in the movie has been asked by one of the media channels reminding her negative comments on actor Mohan Babu on an earlier occasion. She was told that in the movie Lakshmi’s NTR trailer, Mohan Babu character has praised her. Reacting over this, the widow of late NTR- Lakshmi Parvathi has tried to defend herself stating that it is true as Mohan Babu left NTR in the last phase of his life and joined Chandrababu Naidu. She has also revealed that later Mohan Babu has apologized in the public meeting on the said issue.
Lakshmi Parvathi also said, “I watched the trailer of Lakhsmi’s NTR. The tears in my eyes are the answer to the teaser I have seen. The incident which took place 23 years ago are still reeling in front of my eyes.” Lakshmi Parvathi added that Ram Gopal Varma did not ask any information from her.
Lakshmi’s NTR trailer showcases how the family ignored NTR and Lakshmi Parvathi entered his life. NTR abusing Chandrababu and the controversial Viceroy Hotel Episode are also shown in the trailer.
According to Ram Gopal Varma, Lakshmi’s NTR is NTR’s real-life story, and his movie mainly focuses on NTR’s controversial relationship with a woman- Lakshmi Parvathi. His directorial venture, in which Yagna Shetty is playing the female lead, is based on his (NTR) life post his defeat in elections in 1989 and what followed next.
P Vijay Kumar is playing the role of NTR, Yagna Shetty will be seen as Lakshmi Parvathi whereas Shritej as Chandrababu Naidu.
from topstories – Tollywood http://bit.ly/2DI9B8E
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