Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a scathing attack on Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister and TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu on Sunday. Addressing a public rally, Narendra Modi said, “Our Government gave to AP much more than what was mentioned in special status. The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, failed to use the funds in the appropriate way and he were unable to use the fund to develop the state.” Prime Minister Narendra Modi also opened up about Backstabbing Incident of NTR. Modi called Naidu a master in backstabbing and destroying the dreams of people of the state.
Modi said, addressing a public meeting titled “Praja Chaitanya Sabha” , “A senior biting the back of your own father-in-law. A senior in losing one election after the other, where as I am not. Why does he keep pointing out that he is my senior?” Narendra Modi added, “Chandrababu Naidu promised the sunrise of Andhra Pradesh but is fixated with the rise of his own son Nara Lokesh .”
Narendra Modi alleged, “Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister promised the redevelopment of Amaravati but he is now engaged in his own development .”
Narendra Modi also wrote on twitter, “One must admire Chandrababu Naidu Garu’s honesty. He says he is a wealth creator! He’s obviously creating lots of wealth for him and his son while AP suffers. We are patriotic Indians…we are only thinking about the nation. Creating wealth is never on our minds.”
On the otherside, Chandrababu fired on Narendra Modi, while speaking at patta distribution ceremony in Vijayawada, Naidu said, “Yes, Nara Lokesh is my son. I am proud of my family, as husband of Bhuvaneswari, father of N Lokesh and grandfather of Devansh. Narendra Modi would not understand as he doesn’t value family life. Though he is married, he ignored his wife and he did not even give her a divorce.”
Chandrababu Naidu also slammed TRS chief K Chandrashekar Rao and called him Narendra Modi’s slave.
from NEWS – Tollywood
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