On Friday, Congress president Rahul Gandhi offered prayers at the famous hill shrine of lord Venkateswara at Tirumala near here reaching it on foot. Rahul Gandhi received a warm welcome by the hill temple management. Dressed in traditional attire, Rahul Gandhi passed through the Vaikuntham Queue Complex like a common devotee. He has set a new record among political celebrates. He has achieved the feat by climbing 3500 steps in just 110 minutes. On the otherside, earlier Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan took over 3 hours 30 minutes too climbed Tirumala on foot. It seems Rahul Gandhi turned as a Baahubali in front of Pawan Kalyan.
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu too climbed Tirumala on foot. He had taken 2 hours 40 minutes to reach the top. YS Jagan Mohan Reddy had also climbed the Tirumala shrine and he had taken 3 hours 30 minutes. Pawan Kalyan’s elder brother Megastar Chiranjeevi had also climbed Tirumala on foot after he had launched his political party- Praja Rajyam Party in 2011. He had taken 7 hours 30 minutes whereas Pawan Kalyan took over 3 hours 30 minutes. During his climbing, Chiranjeevi had taken rest at multiple spots.
Finally Rahul Gandhi has broken all the records (including Pawan Kalyan) by reaching top of Tirumala in a record 110 minutes time. The temple official said, “After prayers, Rahul Gandhi was offered sacred silk cloth, prasadam and a holy memento. Rahul Gandhi was in the temple for about 20 minutes. Tight security arrangements were put in place on the Tirumala hills .
from NEWS – Tollywood https://ift.tt/2Tb73cQ
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