Kollywood actor Vishal is coming up to entertain his fans and movie lovers with an upcoming action entertainer Ayogya, the remake of Telugu blockbuster movie Temper in which Jr NTR played the lead role. Currently the movie is progressing at the brisk pace in the direction of Venkat Mohan. We have already reported the makers have roped Bengali beauty Shraddha Das to shake a leg with Vishal for Allu Arjun’ Blockbuster song from Sarrainodu. Now according to the latest update Vishal was injured on Saturday. During the shoot of Blockbuster song, he slipped and fell down. He injured his foot. Finally Allu Arjun’ blockbuster song gave injured foot and swollen elbow to Vishal.
The sources say that Vishal was injured while shooting a Tamil version of the Telugu hit song Blockbuster from Allu Arjun starrer. He is playing the role of a short-tempered vigilante.
Nursing an injured foot and swollen elbow Vishal Reddy says , “It was a freak accident. I slipped and fell when the makers were canning Tamil version of Blockbuster song.” Vishal added, “I have a twisted ankle and swollen elbow as an instant legacy of my dancing skills.”
Vishal and director Venkat Mohan decided to incorporate into Ayogya the big hit song Blockbuster from Allu Arjun Telugu hit action and romantic entertainer Sarrainodu.
This is not the first time, when Vishal Reddy injured his leg. While shooting for the Tamil movie Poojai in 2013 he fractured his hand. In 2014, while shooting for Tamil movie Aambala, he tore a ligament during an action sequence.
Raashi Khanna is playing the female lead in Ayogya, which is being bankrolled by K. E. Gnanavel Raja and distributed by Vishal.
On the otherside, Allu Arjun has started the preparation for his next upcoming project which will be helmed by Trivikram Srinivas. Not only this Allu Arjun has also given green signal to Sukumar for a film, which will be bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers.
from topstories – Tollywood https://ift.tt/2J5rUuo
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