SS Rajamouli’ upcoming directorial venture RRR starring Young Tiger Jr NTR, Mega Power Star Ram Charan, Alia Bhatt, Ajay Devgn and Daisy Edgar Jones. Yesterday during the press meet event, everyone was eager to know that why did not Rajamouli cast Mahesh Babu in RRR? According to Rajamouli, as Mahesh Babu’ fans were not happy to see Mahesh in the role of Alluri Seetharamaraju, he cast Ram Charan instead of Mahesh Babu. It means Mahesh Babu and Rajamouli’ film shelved because of Mahesh Babu’ fans.
Yesterday at the press meet event, Rajamouli revealed the plot of RRR and also said that Rama Charan would be seen playing the role of Alluri Seetharamaraju whereas Jr NTR would be seen as Komaram Bheem. It is known news that Mahesh Babu’ father Superstar Krishna had already acted in Alluri Seetharamaraju 3 decades ago, which was directed by V. Ramachandra Rao. So this time it was expected that Mahesh Babu will play his father’s role in the direction of SS Rajamouli. When this question was asked Rajamouli that why did not he rope Mahesh Babu? The director replied, “During one of Mahesh Babu’ film’ events, when I asked his fans if they wanted to see their favourite star Mahesh Babu as Alluri Seetharamaraju or James Bond in my direction. They didn’t give an exciting response. That is the main reason, I didn’t cast Mahesh Babu in RRR.
On the otherside, it is heard that very soon Rajamouli will make a movie with Mahesh Babu, which will be bankrolled by senior filmmaker KL Narayana. Currently Mahesh Babu is busy in shoot of his 25th project Maharshi, which is being directed by Vamsi Paidipally and it is scheduled to hit the theaters on 9th May. After wrapping up the shoot of Maharshi, Mahesh Babu will join the sets of Anil Ravipudi’ film.
from topstories – Tollywood
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