It is known news that Akkineni Nagarjuna and Rakul Preet Singh have collaborated for an upcoming film Manmadhudu 2. Now according to the latest update, Manmadhudu 2 has been launched today with formal pooja ceremony. Actor Rahul Ravindran who made a successful directorial debut with ‘Chi La Sow’ fame, is on the board to direct Manmadhudu 2 and he directed the first shot. Nagarjuna and Gemini Kiran are jointly bankrolling this upcoming project under Manam Enterprises and Anandi Art Creations banners.
Naga Chaitanya and Amala Akkineni graced the launch event of Manmadhudu 2 as guest. Amala Akkineni, the wife of Nagarjuna clapped the sound board and Naga Chaitanya switched on the camera.
Nearly after 18 months, Rakul Preet Singh has signed a Telugu film as a leading actress. As an actress she was last seen in Mahesh Babu starrer Spyder, directed by AR Murugadoss.
Chaitan Bharadwaj of RX100 fame will render the tune whereas M Sukumar will handle the cinematography. Manmadhudu 2’s regular shoot will kick-start from today and very soon the team will fly to Europe for the shoot. Apart from the lead pair, Nagarjuna and Rakul Preet Singh, the upcoming film Manmadhudu 2, will have other stars like Lakshmi, Vennela Kishore, Nasser, Jhansi, Rao Ramesh and Devadarshini in supporting roles.
The sources say that Rakul Preet Singh will be seen playing the role of free spirited, young, street smart girl and she will make her screen presence in a brand new avatar. Rahul Ravindran has designed very exciting character for Rakul Preet Singh.
from topstories – Tollywood
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