Wedding Ceremony of Bandla Ganesh elder brother’s Son took place yesterday in Hyderabad in a grand manner. Several celebrities from Telugu film industry including Megastar Chiranjeevi and SS Rajamouli graced the wedding and blessed the newly wed couple. It is known news that yesterday Venkatesh Daggubati’s elder daughter Ashritha Daggubati tied the knot with Vinayak Reddy in Jaipur. Ram Charan and Upasana were spotted enjoying the wedding celebrations but it seems instead of attending the wedding event of Ashritha Daggubati, Megastar Chiranjeevi accepted the invitation of Bandla Ganesh and attended the marriage ceremony. Baahubali film maker SS Rajamouli was seen enjoying the festivities.
It is known news that Rajamouli and Venkatesh Daggubati are very close together and during the shoot of Baahubali, Venkatesh gave a surprise visit on the sets. The pic of Rajamouli and Venkatesh together went viral on social media. It seems as Rajamouli is busy in the shoot of his upcoming directorial venture RRR starring Ram Charan and Jr NTR also rejected Venkatesh’ invitation and attend the wedding of Bandla Ganesh’ family member.
The guest list of Bandla Ganesh include Chiranjeevi, Krishnam Raju, Rajamouli, Rama & their Son Karthikeya, Jayasudha, Srikanth, Dr Rajasekhar, Jeevitha, Gopichand and several other celebs attended the wedding. Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan could not attend the wedding ceremony because he was busy in campaigning for the upcoming Andhra Pradesh Elections. Dr Rajasekhar too attended the wedding of Bandla Ganesh’ brother son and interacted with the guests in attendance.
On the work-side, Chirajeevi is currently busy in his upcoming movie Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy, which is being directed by Surender Reddy whereas bankrolled by Ram Charan.
from topstories – Tollywood
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