The controversial film Makers Ram Gopal Varma aka RGV is busy in the promotional activities of his upcoming much awaited directorial venture Lakshmi’s NTR, which is gearing up for grand release on 22nd March. Recently released trailer, posters and songs have already generated lot of buzz, thanks to the controversial aspects of NTR’s life, RGV is showcasing in Lakshmi’s NTR. Yesterday Ram Gopal Varma released Lakshmi’s NTR trailer and direct attacked on NTR’s son and current Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu. Yesterday once again Ram Gopal Varma made sensational comments on Nandamuri Balakrishna by saying the he is dedicating Lakshmi’s NTR to Balayya.
At a latest promotional event, in his trademark audacious style Ram Gopal Varma said it was Nandamuri Balakrishna who had inspired him to make a film on legendary actor and late Chief Minister of United Andhra Pradesh Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao (NTR). RGV added, “I sincerely dedicate this film to Balakrishna.”
Ram Gopal Varma said, “Lakshmi’s NTR is very special film in my filmy career. There is no political motivation behind it to make a movie on NTR’s life. I just wanted to show the facts. It was a meeting with Nandmauri Balakrishna that inspired me to make a movie on NTR’s life. “
Rakesh Reddy is producing Lakshmi’s NTR. Kannada actress Yagna Shetty is essaying the role of Lakshmi Parvathi and a theatre artiste from East Godavari district is reprising NTR’s role in the movie Lakshmi’s NTR.
By announcing that he is dedicating Lakshmi’s NTR to Nandamuri Balakrishna, Ram Gopal Varma has irked Balayya’s fans. Now we have to wait and see whether Balakrishna will respond on this issue or maintain silence.
It is known news that Nandamuri Balakrishna starrer NTR biopic- Kathanayakudu and Mahanayakudu have turned out disaster at the box office.
from NEWS – Tollywood
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