Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu is currently working with Vamsi Paidipally for an upcoming movie Maharshi, which is progressing at the brisk pace and is on the verge of completion. According to the latest updater, a worker died in a freak accident at Maharshi sets.
The shoot of Mahesh Babu’ Maharshi is going on at a specially erected set in Annapurna Studios. A light man who has been working on the Maharshi sets got electrocuted and lost his life.
The sources say that the worker named Krishna Rao died in an accident which happened while erecting the set. He resides in Krishna Nagar was working in the sets for quite some time and he was part of sets erection for various films. Krishna Rao was busy cutting the wood with the machine, when this incident took place. He lost conscience when he got electrocuted. He was rushed to the hospital but the doctor declared him dead. After his death, the other workers protested demanding compensation to the bereaved family by the producers. A case has been registered and the investigation has been started.
Directed by Vamsi Paidipally, Maharshi is about three friends, played by Mahesh Babu, Pooja Hegde and Allari Naresh. The movie is jointly produced by C. Ashwini Dutt, Dil Raju and Prasad V. Potluri, under the banners of Vyjayanthi Movies, Sri Venkateswara Creations and PVP Cinema. It is slated to hit the theaters on 9th May 2019.
from topstories – Tollywood
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