Mahesh Babu, Pooja Hegde and Allari Naresh are coming together for an upcoming movie Maharshi, which is slated to hit the theaters on 9th May. Today the makers are going to release the song ‘Padara Padara’ from ‘Maharshi‘. Mahesh Babu and the makers of Maharshi released a news poster on this occasion. Coming on the poster Mahesh Babu is seen ploughing the field with a traditional plough which is being pulled by two bulls. He looks like a modern farmer as he wore a towel around his head. It seems Mahesh Babu’ fans are not happy with the character and look of Mahesh Babu. One of the netizen called Mahesh Babu an expressionless actor whereas the other user requested Mahesh Babu to play a common and relatable character without any commercial aspect. The comments are as follows:
amrutha_baratam: I am really so sick of this pattern of your movies and Soo bad/boring music of DSP. These days there are movies like ARJUN REDDY, RANGASTHALAM, JERSEY and a lot more highly good contented films and there are still movies with a hero opening song, dream song with a set and a motivational song! We are really really not expecting these kind of movies from you. We want a character like Ajay from okkadu, parthu from athadu or a sita ramaraju from khaleja which we could relate and connect to. I have been enjoying your movies success lately but as a huge fan of your’s haven’t been truly enjoying your movies from my heart. Please for once, after this movie, play a common and relatable character without any commercial aspect, prettyy pleasseeeee️ #okapichifanavedhana
jaganuma: Pakka disaster …. Expression less actor in Tollywood
Maharshi is Mahesh Babu’ 25th film, which is directed by Vamsi Paidipally and is bankrolled by Dil Raju, C. Ashwini Dutt and Prasad V. Potluri, under the banners of Sri Venkateswara Creations, Vyjayanthi Movies and PVP Cinema.
from NEWS – Tollywood
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