Kollywood actor Suriya is currently busy in his upcoming project Kaappaan, which is being directed by KV Anand. Initially the makers planned to release the movie on 15th August 2019 on the occasion of Independence day but now the makers have postponed the release of Kaappaan, which will now be released on 30th August. It is known news that Young Rebel Star Prabhas starrer multilingal drama Saaho is also arriving at the theaters on 15th August. Suriya is well aware that Baahubali fame Prabhas is now a pan Indian actor and he decided to avert a clash with Saaho. Suriya Knows well that he cannot control Prabhas at the theaters so the makers of Kaappaan, has postponed the release of the film.
After discussing with the producers, Suriya starrer Kaappaan release is pushed for 30th August this year. Apart from Suriya, the film also has other stars like Malayalam superstar Mohanlal, Arya, Saayeesha Saigal and Samuthirakani. In the recently released teaser, Suriya was seen in four different ensembles: an angry farmer, a suave criminal, a bearded man and a corporate employee. Mohanlal is playing the Prime Minister of India. It is produced by Lyca Productions.
Kaappaan marks Suriya’ third collaboration with KV Anand following Ayan (2009) and Maattraan (2012).
On the other side, Prabhas starrer Saaho is directed by Sujeeth, and produced by UV Creations, T-Series, and Dharma Productions. The movie starring Shraddha Kapoor, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Arun Vijay, and Evelyn Sharma and it will be released in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
Few days ago, a still from Saaho sets were leaked and went viral. Featuring Shraddha Kapoor and Prabhas were seen in a romantic pose. Prabhas was seen gazing into the eyes of his leading lady Shraddha Kapoor.
Apart from Saaho, Prabhas is also the part of Radha Krishna Kumar’s romantic drama Jaan.
from NEWS – Tollywood http://bit.ly/2UKdnJK
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