Diganth who pushed him to be among the top league actors of Kannada cinema, is making his comeback in Telugu Film Industry after a long gap. According to the latest update Diganth will be seen sharing the screen space with none other than Vijay Deverakonda in an upcoming movie Hero. Diganth made his Telugu debut with MS Raju’s 2008 romantic drama, Vaana and after a gap of 11 years, once again he is going to act in a Telugu movie Hero, a sport based drama Hero Starring Vijay Deverakonda.
The upcoming film Hero Starring Vijay Deverakonda and Diganth, is based on bike racing backdrop. Vijay Deverakonda will be seen playing the role of professional biker and Diganth too plays bike racing enthusiast. The movie will be directed by debutant Anand Annamalai and will be bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers. The film Hero has two actresses Malavika Mohanan and Shalini Pandey in female leads.
Unlike Diganth’ previous Telugu film in which he played a supporting role, he will apparently have a bigger and better one in Hero. The regular shoot will be started from May, 2019. The sources close to the makers, reveal that Vijay Devarakonda and Diganth will be starting the shoot with a race track scene in Delhi. However, the makers are yet to finalize Diganth’ role in the film. Rumors are speculating that he may have a big role to play considering his passion for bikes in real life.
Meanwhile, Diganth is waiting for the release of his next Bollywood film, RamYug, which is based on Ramayana, which features the actor in the role of Ram, is being helmed by Kunal Kohli. Currently the film is in the post production stage, and the makers are planning to release the movie in the month of August. On the other side, Vijay Deverakonda is also waiting for the release of Dear Comrade, in which Rashmika Mandanna is playing the female lead.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood http://bit.ly/2ICECja
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