On 28th March Young Tiger Jr NTR took to his Twitter and shared the air tickets of Ram Charan, NT Rama Rao (Jr NTR) and SS Rajamouli, and also confirmed the news that the team is flying to Gujarat for the shoot. Jr NTR wrote on his Twitter, “Off to a flying start!Big schedule ahead.#RRR.” Yesterday evening the team of RRR took to the official Twitter and informed that as Ram Charan has injured himself in a gym they have postponed the Pune schedule. The team of RRR tweeted, “We regret to mention that #RamCharan confronted a minor ankle injury while working out at the gym, yesterday. The pune schedule has been called off. Back to action in 3 weeks! #RRR.” According to Jr NTR, they were shooting in Vadodara, Gujarat whereas according to the team of RRR, they were in Pune. Who is telling the truth? Jr NTR or RRR team?
Before starting the shoot of RRR, both Ram Charan and Jr NTR informed the media that they signed the project without hearing the story-line. Why RRR team members are telling lies? Is this Rajamouli’s new strategy for promoting the movie.
People are questioning that how and why Rajamouli’ RRR’ Pune schedule got canceled when Ram Charan, Jr NTR and Rajamouli were in Gujarat.
It is known news that Upasana Kamineni Konidela is popular for sharing the updates about Ram Charan and his upcoming project. This time she did not share any pic of Ram Charan but she wrote on her Twitter, “Loads of TLC on its way Mr C . Need all ur positive energy & good wishes for a speedy recovery #ramcharan.”
Anyhow, the shoot schedule of RRR has been postponed for almost three weeks. Alia Bhatt is on the board to play the female lead in RRR, which is scheduled to hit the theaters on 30th July 2020.
from NEWS – Tollywood http://bit.ly/2YRU3Zx
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