Indian-American actress Richa Gangopadhyay made her debut in Telugu film Industry with the film Leader in which she shared the screen space with Rana Daggubati. And later Richa acted in few Telugu movies like Nagavalli, Mirchi, Mirapakaay, Sarocharu, and Bhai, but the talented lady didn’t get enough break in Telugu film Industry. It is known news that Richa Gangopadhyay tied the knot with Joe Langella.
Even though it has been 5 years since Richa Gangopadhyay quit the acting but the actress is often asked about her comeback by her fans on social media. It seems Richa is deeply upset.
Mirchi girl took to her Twitter and shared a series of the tweet, she said, “It’s clear that my Twitter followers just expect me- someone who quit acting 8+ years ago, to live in a fantasy world and keep talking about my films and share “cute photographs” without having any real regard for my life beyond what I offered as an actress.”
Richa Gangopadhyay says that there are few people who are only interested to objectify her for their entertainment needs, and they don’t actually give a crap about her values, thoughts, or who she is as a person beyond her five years career in the film industry, there is no reason they should be wasting their time following her.
It’s clear that my Twitter followers just expect me- someone who quit acting 8+ years ago- to continue living in a fantasy world and keep talking about my films and share “cute pictures” without having any real regard for my life beyond what I offered as an actor… (1/4)
— Richa Langella (Gangopadhyay) (@richyricha) October 9, 2020
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood
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