Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu‘ upcoming film #SSMB28 with Trivikram Srinivas has created a great deal of buzz even before the shoot commenced. The film #SSMB28 marks the third collaboration between Mahesh Babu and Trivikram Srinivas after the two movies ‘Athadu’ and ‘Khaleja’. Superstar Fans are eager to know that who will share the screen space with Mahesh in this drama. According to the latest buzz in the film industry, Trivikram Srinivas is planning to bring Janhvi Kapoor on the board to play the female lead in Mahesh Babu starrer #SSMB28.
The team of #SSMB28 has approached the actress, and the director had narrated the story to Dhadak actress. Though Janhvi Kapoor, the daughter of late actress Sridevi is very impressed with the narration, she is yet to give a nod.
Trivikram Srinivas believes that it will bring a huge craze to the project if he would convince her to act opposite Superstar Mahesh Babu.
Several Telugu producers and directors have tried too rope Janhvi Kapoor but have not succeeded. Now we have to wait and see whether she gives a nod for Mahesh Babu starrer or not.
Initially, Trivikram Srinivas wanted to repeat Pooja Hegde as she has worked with him for the two movies- Aravindha Sametha and Ala Vaikaunthapurramloo. But the doctor realized that she has a busy schedule with multiple projects in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood
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