Once again natural star Nani opened up about the ticket prices issues. During the promotions of his upcoming film, Shyam Singha Roy, Gentleman star has made comments on the government. Ninnu Kori fame actor said, “Andhra Pradesh state government has insulted the movie lovers by decreasing ticket prices. I have been seeing the new ticket prices in theaters across Andhra Pradesh, I assume the kirana store next to the theater is making more money than a theater owner right now. It’s an insult to the audience to tell them they cannot afford a movie ticket. I hope the issue is resolved soon
Nani explained it by taking an example of a student being singled out in class and asked to pay less for a picnic because they cannot afford it.
MCA fame actor Nani added,” The People are ready to watch movies in theaters even if the ticket prices are very high.” He concluded it by saying that his world might be controversial once again.
On the work front, Nani will be next seen playing the lead role in Shyam Singha Roy which has Sai Pallavi and Krithi Shetty in the female lead roles. The movie is releasing tomorrow in theaters worldwide.
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