A video is going viral in which Mahesh Babu and Namrata’ daughter Sitara is seen crying. In a video, Sitara was seen crying uncontrollably as she sat on Mahesh Babu’ lap. He tried to console her. Sitara also broke down when she approached her grandmother Indira Devi whose mortal remains were kept inside a glass casket. Mother Namrata and Mahesh Babu were seen holding daughter Sitara and consoling her. Today Superstar Mahesh Babu performed the last rites of his mother Indira Devi.
Indira Devi’ daughter Manjula Ghattamaneni shared a picture of her mother on Insta and penned a note. She wrote, “Dear Mom, You are my first Guru, my foundation and my heart. Your love has been my protection. You are biggest influence in my life. My mother knew only giving, giving, giving all through her life and did not ask anything for herself. There has not been a single day in our childhood where we missed her presence. My mother took care of all our needs in her usual selfless loving way.”
Before the funeral, Indira Devi’s mortal was kept at the Padmalaya Studio for public homage and many celebrities from Tollywood including Venkatesh Daggubati, Nagarjuna, Lakshmi Manchu, Vijay Deverakonda, Rana Daggubati, Nandamuri Balakrishna, directors Trivikram Srinivas and Siva Koratala paid their last respects.
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