Young actor Raj Tarun who tasted half a dozen debacles, has joined his hands with successful producer and distributor Dil Raju for an upcoming project. Raj Tarun has delivered a series of disaster movies in his filmy career, will be seen playing the lead role in Telugu remake of Turkish film, say sources. It is heard that Dil Raju and Disaster King Raj Tarun recently watched the movie and fell in love. After watching Raj Tarun expressed his desire to act in the remake of Turkish film. Though is name of Turkish film is not revealed but it is confirmed that Raj Tarun and Dil Raju are going to work for this remake, which will be directed by a debutant and will bankrolled under the banner of Sri Venkateswara Creations.
It has also come out that Raj Tarun will not take remuneration for this remake but he will get the share from the profits. The pre production work has been already started and the regular shoot is expected to commence from next month. Raj Tarun has also started the preparation for his role. The makers are planning to release the movie during the second half of this year.
Raj Tarun was last seen in romantic entertainer Lovers which was ended up commercially flop at the box office. On the other-side, Dil Raju who is basking on the glory of his recent offering F2 Fun and Frustration, is busy in his next upcoming film Maharshi, in which Mahesh Babu and Pooja Hegde are playing the lead role and the movie is slated to hit the theaters on 9th May.
from NEWS – Tollywood
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