Nandamuri Kalyan Ram is getting ready to start his next upcoming project. According to the latest buzz in the film industry, Kalyan Ram has joined his hands with debutant Mallidi Vashista for an upcoming project and the makers are considering the title Ashwathama. The sources close to Kalyan Ram revealed that the title of the film is almost finalized and the regular shoot is expected to commence in few weeks. Kalyan Ram and Mallidi Vashista’ film will be bankrolled under the banner of NTR Arts. Who will play the female lead is not yet decided but the makers are planning to bring top actress to play the female lead. It has also come out that Ashwathama is a socio fantasy movie, which is based on the theme of reincarnation. The title Ashwathama is a epic complicated.
The title Ashwathama is raising the curiosity of Nandamuri fans and movie lovers as it is inspired from Mahabharata. The sources say that a portion of the story is set in the Tughlaq dynasty era, so the makers had initially planned to name the film ‘Tughlaq’, but later finalized ‘Ashwathama’ . The official announcement is awaited regarding it.
On the other-side, Kalyan Ram was last seen in investigative thriller drama 118, in which two actresses Shalini Pandey and Nivetha Thomas played the female lead roles. KV Guhan’s directorial venture 118 was released on 1st March 2019, and received positive response by the movie lovers and critics on its opening day. Currently the movie is running successfully at the box office.
from NEWS – Tollywood
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